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Bilberries – 100g

Bilberries Whole Botanical

Bilberries a small, round, dark-blue berry that grows on low shrubs in cool climates in North America, Europe, and Asia. The botanical name for bilberry is Vaccinium myrtillus, and it is a member of the Ericaceae family, or the heath family. It is closely related to other members of the Vaccinium family, such as blueberries, huckleberries, and cranberries.

How to use Bilberries in distilling.

Bilberries can be used in distilling in a number of ways. For instance, bilberries can be used to make a simple syrup to add to a base spirit. Simply combine the bilberries with sugar and water in a pot and bring to a simmer. Cook until the berries are soft, then strain through a sieve and cool. Add the syrup to a base spirit such as vodka or gin for an interesting twist. Bilberries can also be used to create a dark, rich liqueur. To do this, combine the Bilberries, sugar, and water in a pot and cook until the berries are soft. Strain the mixture and add the resulting syrup to a base spirit such as vodka and allow to steep in the refrigerator for several days. Next, strain the mixture again and add a splash of brandy. Bottle the mixture and enjoy!


Ultimately Ketelkraal provides this fantastic botanical, but a huge variety of other botanicals. Our biggest seller botanical wise! The Gin Botanical infusion kit! With this bad boy you just can’t not go wrong!


Ketelkraal is here to save the day. Giving our combinations to you. Noted that not only the botanicals that you choose make a signature distillate, also the way they react to each other.  Significantly this will impact your end product. Create your own by experimenting with simple combinations and work a more complex blend with gaining experience.



To summarize consumables are items used for the successful operation of a distilling setup. Notably these often include items such as copper stills, tubing, filters, yeast, sugar, and hoses. Additional items recommended for distilling include thermometershydrometers, testing kits, and measuring containers. Basic maintenance such as cleaning supplies and sterilization agents must also be kept on hand.

Blue Hybrid AR YEASTKentucky Copper Pot Stills

Ketelkraal provides all the consumables you will need. We always think of the everything!

We provide items such as:

Potassium Carbonate (100g)

Potassium Carbonate, consumables,

To summarize Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) an important chemical used in the making of distilled spirits. Used to adjust the pH of the spirit, as well as to raise the alcohol content. Also used to control the acidity of the spirit. Improving the mouthfeel and flavor of the spirit. Used to buffer the mash against pH changes. Not allowing it to go to low. A white powder or as colorless solid crystal and has a salty taste.

Alpha Amylase 100ml

Alpha Amylase 100ml

In brief use Alpha Amylase to convert your starch into sugar. Endozym Alphamyl SB1, used at higher temperatures in the brew-house during mashing in order to facilitate the hydrolysis of starch into maltose, soluble dextrins and glucose.
Some of the obvious advantages are quick reduction of the viscosity of the cereal mash and the yield of more concentrated wort.

Subsequently an enzyme found in saliva and pancreatic juice that helps in the breakdown of carbohydrates into simple sugars. It catalyzes the hydrolysis of the alpha-1,4 linkage between two glucose molecules, the main component of starch and glycogen. Alpha amylase also found in plants, fungi, and bacteria, and used commercially to produce some types of alcohols. Alpha amylase activity is important in grain processing and production of baked goods, as it helps convert the starches in flour into sugars.

Ketelkraal provides this and much more! All the equipment too!

Because in the end you passion remains ours!

Ketelkraal – you are in good hands. Because we know what we are doing!

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