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Cracked Corn
Cracked Corn Grain
In brief Cracked corn is a cereal grain that is made from field corn that has been hulled and then crushed. As well as commonly used as a feed for animals like chickens, cows, horses, and pigs, also used to make cornbread, grits, and other corn products. However it is used as a beer-making ingredient.
How to use cracked corn for making beer.
1. Firstly, start by measuring three gallons of water and bring it to a boil in a brew pot.
2. Secondly, remove the pot from the heat and stir in four pounds of cracked corn.
3. Thirdly, add a few teaspoons of gypsum, which helps to improve the taste of the beer and raises the pH of the wort.
4. Return the pot to the heat and bring it back to a boil.
5. Boil for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.
6. Add two ounces of freshly-ground, bittering hops and let it steep for an additional 30 minutes.
7. Remove the pot from the heat and add one teaspoon of Irish moss.
8. Strain the wort into a fermenter, wait for it to cool to 75°F, and then add your beer yeast.
9. Notably allow the beer to ferment for two to three weeks until it reaches a final gravity of 1.010 or lower.
10. Lastly, rack the beer into bottles, cap them, and allow it to age for two weeks.
11. In the end enjoy your homemade beer!
Because we offer the best Malted Barley and Grain! Home Distilling/Brewing Craftsman rest assured that you are buying quality barley and grain products. Subsequently, we put your brewing and distilling quality first and foremost.
Hence you, the adventurous Home Distiller/Brewer we know you are, really must try grain. Brewing and distilling to the NEXT LEVEL. Dried germinated barley what’s known as malt. The result, you getting even more out of the seed’s resources this way, simply a win-win situation.
Beer Brewer’s out there ideally want Malt-driven flavors to dominate the flavor profiles of beer and it’s brewing. You will expect a degree of sweetness and deep malty notes. Overall notes could include nuts, toffee, caramel, toast and fruit. With our help, your beers can range from copper to dark brown in color and from light to full bodied with a low to high ABV.
For you Moonshiner’s, majority of whiskeys are built on malted barley as the norm. Malted barley produces from nutty and smoky to chocolate or cocoa flavors and a flavor described as cereal or toast resulting in a delicious taste for you to enjoy.
For your info it contains:
- Fiber
- Potassium
- Folate
- Vitamin B6
For instance known to lower cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart disease in all consumers. Therefore as a result helping reduce insulin activity and increases cholesterol absorption from the gut. Malt goes on to encourage cholesterol breakdown and as a result your experience health benefits as mentioned above.
The fact that we distill and brew, now that’s open to us to discuss over a drink…
Because at Ketelkraal, know you are in good hands.
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