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Lavender Blossom

Lavender Blossom Botanical

A small bowl filled with fresh purple lavender blooms alongside scattered lavender buds and two wooden scoops on a light wooden surface.

In brief after the Lavender Blossom is be harvested, then distilled in their fresh state or left to dry. All in all Lavender essential oil extracted from the fresh flowers obtain a fresh and green note. However dried Lavender obtains a deeper floral aroma. Simply a fantastic botanical.

Notably the first step in the making of Lavender Blossom essential oil is to harvest the plants. Ideally Lavender harvest the flowers in full bloom. Thus meaning that the flowers are developed and the entire flower head has opened. Although, quality oil is extracted from the flowers of the plant. However there remains a trace amount of oil in the stems of the plant. Typically not enough to justify the amount of space they will take in the equipment during distilling.

Steps for Distillation

1. Firstly Setup: Assemble your still according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Using a homemade setup, ensure all connections are secure to avoid leaks.
2. Secondly Fill with Water: Add water to the still’s boiler. The amount depends on your still’s capacity.
3. Thirdly Add Lavender: Place the lavender blossoms in the still’s basket or chamber designated for plant material. Do not over-pack; steam needs to circulate freely.
4. Also Heat: Turn on the heat source to bring the water to a boil. The steam will pass through the lavender, carrying the essential oil and other volatile compounds.
5. Condensation: The steam moves into the condenser where it cools and turns back into a liquid.
6. Collection: The liquid collected will be a mixture of essential oil and hydrosol. This will flow into the receiver or collection container.
7. Lastly Separation: Allow the mixture to settle. Essential oil typically floats on top of the hydrosol. You can use a separator funnel to carefully drain off the hydrosol, leaving the essential oil behind.

Because at Ketelkraal we know what we are doing!

Gin Infusion Kit!


Gin Botanical Infusion Kit. Gin Botanicals

Over all this Gin Botanicals Infusion Kit includes:

Given all the points and information as seen above, do not hesitation when it comes to Ketelkraal and our botanical knowledge. In essence we only want to make the best and want the same thing for our clients. Thus our dedication to all things distilling and brewing.

Also check out our essence range, you will be blown away! A wide variety that suits any preference of flavor.

Altogether welcome to the Ketelkraal DistillingBrewing and all things braaing Family!  Let the fun times begin.

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Lavender Blossom Botanical!