Eendracht & Boer Cola Combos

Eendracht & Boer Cola Combos! You will absolutely love these combos. Check out the variety we offer you right here from Ketelkraal.



HOFMEYR BRANDEWYN since we can. And that is that! EENDRACHT VSOP CAPE BRANDY is a cut above the rest!

“Eendrag Maak Mag” word in verskeie lande gebruik in hul leuse of landswapen, onder andere Belgie, Kanada, Bulgarye, Georgie, Haiti, Maleisie, VSA en Nederland.

Die Boerevolk het hierdie slagspreuk gebruik nadat die Vereenigde Koninkryk op 17 Januarie 1852 by die Konvensie van Sandrivier, Suid-Afrika ‘n onafhanklike republiek (Transvaal) verklaar het.

“Eendracht VSOP Kaapse Brandewyn is in tradisionele koperketels gedistilleer en in Franse eikehoutvate verouder. 100% van die inhoud is tussen die ouderdom van 4 en 10 jaar. Verwag ‘n bitsigheid gestem deur volronde geure en die wysheid wat slegs deur die reinste brandewyn onbloot word.”


Eendracht Brandy / 2L Boer Cola / Cap & Glass

“Unity is Power” is used in various countries in their motto or coat of arms, including Belgium, Canada, Bulgaria, Georgia, Haiti, Malaysia, USA and the Netherlands.

The Boer Nation used this slogan after the United Kingdom declared Transvaal as an independent republic at the Convention of Sand River, South Africa on 17 January 1852.

“Eendracht VSOP Cape Brandy has been distilled in traditional copper kettles and aged in French oak barrels. 100% of the content is between the ages of 4 and 10 years. Anticipate a bitterness voiced by full-bodied flavors and the wisdom that is only revealed through the purest brandy. ”

HOFMEYR BRANDEWYN – a South African Brandy because we all deserve it.


  • Did you know that VSOP stands for “Very Superior Old Pale”?
  • Are you aware that VSOP’s are created from eaux-de-vie or “the water of life”?
  • Knowing it is aged for at least four years must be reassuring of a great taste for you?
  • Hearing that the VSOP category includes designations such as “Old” or “Reserve” may be interesting to you we think?
  • Guessing what XO stands for is not on the cards – “Extra Old” at least six years old!
  • VS means Very Special in case you wanted to ask…
  • It refers to a brandy that has been aged for at least two years.
  • VSOP means Very Superior Old Pale just giving you all the inside info!

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