Lime Flowers Cut – 100g

SKU: lime-flowers



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Lime Flowers Cut – 100g

The image is an advertisement for Lime Flowers featuring packets of lime flowers, two logos of “Ketelkraal Distilling/Brewing & Braai Supply Store,” and a picture of glasses with lime-infused drinks. Additionally, it includes a website URL and contact phone number for more information. The background is yellow with splashes of green and zest-like textures.Plastic bags filled with dried lime flowers, each labeled with a handwritten note indicating "LIME FLOWERS 100g".

Lime Flowers Botanical, not for persons under the age of 18!

Linden trees, known as lime trees, are deciduous. With heart-shaped leaves and small globes of feathery, white-yellow flowers that carry a strong, sweet scent.

What is a lime flower?
Do not confuse it with the lime tree that produces the citrus fruit. Lime flower known to come from Tilia species. Notably often large, majestic trees found in parks and forests. An infusion of lime flower can offer gentle support in times of need. Using Lime flower gives the a very clean and refreshing taste.


Ketelkraal is here to save the day. Giving our combinations to you. Noted that not only the botanicals that you choose make a signature distillate, also the way they react to each other.  Significantly this will impact your end product. Create your own by experimenting with simple combinations and work a more complex blend with gaining experience.


Because at Ketelkraal we know what we are doing!

Gin Infusion Kit!


 Infusion Kit.

Over all this Gin Botanicals Infusion Kit includes:

Given all the points and information as seen above, do not hesitation when it comes to Ketelkraal and our botanical knowledge. In essence we only want to make the best and want the same thing for our clients. Thus our dedication to all things distilling and brewing.

Also check out our essence range, you will be blown away! A wide variety that suits any preference of flavor.

Altogether welcome to the Ketelkraal DistillingBrewing and all things braaing Family!  Let the fun times begin.

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Because with Ketelkraal we make it simple for you.

Contact us for more information. We are here to help.

Keep the good stuff drippin’… because we know that you know you got this!


We also have other botanicals such as:

Chamomile Flower for distilling.

Chamomile Flower

In brief Chamomile flower a popular choice for distilling. Notably a delicate and fragrant flower significantly adding a gentle sweet floral scent to any distilled spirit. Therefore distilling in several different ways. Like adding directly to the still. Infusing in a neutral vodka or infused in a sugar syrup. The delicate aroma of chamomile flower best captured in essential oil and often used to flavor liqueurs. In essence many distillers find the flavor to be quite mild when distilled, so often blended with other herbs or spices to increase the complexity of the flavor. Chamomile flower create a smooth and unusual flavor that is calming. Chamomile is known for its tranquility properties. The benefits of chamomile are derived through it’s antispasmodic properties, helping to relax muscular and nervous tension.

Because with Ketelkraal we’ve got you!