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Blue Hybrid (AR Yeast)

Blue Hybrid Distillers Yeast AR

Blue Hybrid AR YEAST

Distillers Yeast Blue Hybrid AR Yeast is made for you as the best all rounder (AR) yeast on the market.  Because the yeast already has all the nutrients required in it,  you won’t need to add any extras.

You’ve are at the right place.

For your info yeast is a single cell organism which multiplies vigorously in the presence of oxygen.  Then after all of the oxygen is used up, your yeast will convert sugar into alcohol. Fermentation is simply the process by which yeast converts sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide – the essence of your wash!


  • Your yeast is a potent active distilling yeast. Top notch quality and a powerful flavorful profile because we have you in mind.  As well as your end result.  Long ago, the action of yeast was such a blessing, yet so mysterious, that English brewers called it “God is good.”


  • Your Distillers Yeast Blue Hybrid is a dried yeast for the production of Brandy/Ciders/Grain Whiskey/Malt Whiskey/Vodka/Rum – yes the sky is your limit!


Blue Hybrid Yeast knocks your socks off it’s just that good!


Here are your Instructions: You need to store this yeast in cool dry place once opened and in an airtight container.  Put it into your fridge BUT you need to protect from moisture. You should not store your yeast near open onion please! You pitch 2gr per liter.  Then you keep the temperature constant between 28 & 34 degrees.  Your optimum heat is 28 degrees.  Sit back, relax and watch the fun begin.

Ketelkraal is your one stop shop.  Visit us and in so doing find all your, fermenting, distilling, braaiing, smoking needs.  Cheers! Salut!  Prost!  Down the old hatch! Drink up!

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Blue Hybrid!

Distillers Yeasts

Distillers Yeasts developed for you! Over all we stock different types of yeasts for spirits and beer. Our yeast caters to the distillers and the brewers market. In fact we sell only the best yeast available, and you will love it too because it works so well. In the end we understand the high importance of a top quality yeasts for your distilling and brewing. Because we are passionate about distilling and brewing only the best. All things considered you can not go wrong with Ketelkraal.

In short because here we know what we are doing!

It should be noted our yeasts are proven to show excellent tolerance to high fermentation temperatures because they are so well developed.

To summarize we also developed and stock an excellent Blue Hybrid Yeast All Rounder (AR) that shows outstanding results.  The range is incredible. This will most definitely impress you without a doubt. As well as our Turbo Yeast.

Turbo Yeast

That is not all we have for you! As well as the Blue Hybrid we also have a fantastic Angel Super Turbo Yeast. The “Rolls-Royce” of yeasts. We have these and so much more.

Get your yeast now to avoid disappointment! Ketelkraal is here to save the day! Only the best!

Distillers Yeasts And Nutrients, such as Turbo Yeast!

Further more we also stock nutrients for spirits and beer, and you are going to need them. The quality is excellent, and it will never let you down. The Fermaid K Nutrient is a perfect all-rounder.

Simple to use with unbelievable results.  Just add the correct grams per liter of liquid and you will be well away. Make your own spirits and beer in the comfort of your own home.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding our products or would like to get more information.

Send us all your success distilling experiences or recipes and we would gladly share with our other distilling friends.

Looking for recipes? Feel free to browse our recipes page for more info. Do you need something more?  Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Get Distillers Yeasts online or alternatively pop into our shop.

You will never look back! Above all as seen above we are the go to for your distilling needs.