To summarize gin botanicals are plants, herbs, and spices used to add flavoring to gin. Notably they be divided into two categories: primary and secondary. Primary botanicals are the main flavoring agents. Common primary botanicals include juniper, coriander, angelica root, and citrus peel. Secondary botanicals are complementary flavoring agents that support the main botanicals. Common secondary botanicals include cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lavender. In various portions, they produce a wide range of flavoring profiles. Another great way to add flavor is by using our Essence flavoring range.
Not only but also we assist with product development. Do you have new ideas and a specific taste you are after. Did you taste a Gin or a Rum and it tastes fantastic but you can’t identify the Botanicals or Spices. We can help. Bring us a sample and we will surely have a group discussion around it.
Because Botanicals for Gin/Rum/Liqueurs can be hard to find from time to time. Make sure that when you buy, The product is fresh and dry.
Because gin is an alcoholic drink that gets its flavor from juniper berries. Gin is one of the broadest categories of spirits, all of various origins, styles, and flavor profiles, that revolve around juniper as a common ingredient.
From the Middle Ages. The drink evolved from herbal medicine to an object of commerce in the spirits industry. Gin emerged in England after the introduction of the jenever. A Dutch and Belgian liquor which originally had been a medicine. Although this development had been taking place since the early 17th century. Gin became widespread after the William of Orange-led 1688 Glorious Revolution and subsequent import restrictions on French brandy.
Flavor it up!
Your essence will lighten your distillate’s strong taste giving you a smooth taste. Just remember to add your essence of choice after distillation is complete. In doing so you’re avoiding reducing the alcohol content. You’re going to have the BEST flavored hooch!
Add our Essences & Flavorants causing you to instantly imbue fantastic flavor to your home distilled neutral spirits. Browse our range and you will be well on your way to making your best moonshine ever!
Notably mix the spirit essence & flavorant with your neutral spirit giving you absolutely superb results. Because of the top quality this will result in satisfaction. Your end product will stand among the best of them.
Because your passion for distilling is ours!