- Beer Equipment / Brewing Products
- Braai Equipment
- Distilling Equipment / Home Distilling Equipment / Distillery Equipment For Sale
- Beroking/Smoking
- Distillers Yeasts
- Essences & Flavorants
- French Oak Barrels
- Fermentation Equipment/ Brewing Materials / Fermentation Equipment South Africa
- Gas Equipment
- Gift Vouchers
- Glass Bottles
- Gin Botanicals / Botanicals
- Ketelkraal Apparel
- Koffie Bone
- Ketelkraal Condiments & Sauces
- Malted Barley and Grain
- Oak Chips
- Raw Untreated Honey
Legal Notice
Please comply to the laws regarding fermentation and distilling alcoholic beverages of your country as it is illegal in some countries.
You may own a still, ferment and produce alcohol at home for own use (no selling allowed) after getting a permit in South Africa. Please contact us if you are not familiar with the procedure in South Africa.
You are responsible to use any equipment purchased or otherwise acquired from Ketelkraal in a legal and lawful manner.
You may not hold Ketelkraal its office bearers and/or personnel liable for any action following the illegal use of equipment, items or knowledge acquired from Ketelkraal. It is your responsibility to stay updated with regards to your countries fermenting and distilling laws.
You need to make sure you understand all aspects of Distilling and the safety of it. Distilling can be Dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. Ketelkraal will not be kept liable for any wrongdoing on you as distillers side. We strongly suggest that you attend one of our courses before you start Distilling
In South Africa, parliamentary bills and acts regulating the production of spirits are easily accessible.
However, you need to be aware of regulations set out by SARS regarding commercial distilling. These are not always easy to find. If you need assistance, please contact us.